Well.. I finally figured out what I was: AUTISTIC (Duh!)- Depressed (Duh!), Anxious (Double Duh!) and finally, there was something new added to the pot.
They have diagnosed me with “BPD”(Borderline Personality Disorder).
I have heard of Boderline, but I never really understood it.
My personality, thank god, was not diagnosed with “Multiple” — (due to me being a writer, I tend to “narrate” my stories out loud as I write), but with a “Dependancy” -which basically meant that I didn’t like being alone. No, I never have, and I guess it surprised a doctor? They assumed that all Autistic women, like being in solitude. Nope, not this gal. I prefer to be around people. Though I do like my alone time, I do prefer being with people, it makes me a little more comforted.
Sadly, I guess my Personality, is dependant and when I looked up the definition of Boderline Personality Disorder..
Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health condition that can cause a variety of symptoms, including:
- Emotional instability
- People with BPD may experience intense, overwhelming emotional pain, anxiety, or self-recrimination.
- Mood swings
- People with BPD may experience frequent, dramatic mood swings, such as sudden anger, outbursts, or fighting.
- Self-image
- People with BPD may have an inaccurate view of themselves, or their self-image may change.
- Relationships
- People with BPD may have unstable relationships with family and friends, or experience quick changes in feelings about others.
- Impulsive behaviors
- People with BPD may engage in impulsive behaviors, such as spending sprees, substance abuse, reckless driving, or binge eating.
- Self-harm
- People with BPD may engage in self-harm behaviors, such as cutting.
- Suicidal ideation
- People with BPD may experience recurring thoughts of suicidal behaviors or threats.
All of those..sadly, ARE ME.
I am not sure how to even handle this? But hey, it’s not Bi-Polar, which doctors have diagnosed me as… sadly.
But, with this, I can now understand myself a little better?
Why I have body image issues or why I have this? or Why I have that?
It makes sense now, it’s odd?
Maybe I have something to figure out?
I’m not sure?