Heather MonroeThe Haunting Death of Olive ThomasA century ago, Olive Thomas was a rising star of stage and screen renowned for her beauty. Today, she is famous for the tragic…Oct 4, 20193Oct 4, 20193
A Young Author's Notebook“He’s Only There To Help You and Protect You”Petr Ginz has been on my mind lately, and I know why. His niece is fleeing from Israel at the moment. I know that his sister, Chava, died…Oct 21, 2023Oct 21, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“Your Self Worth Is Tied Up In What Strangers Think of You”I woke up at 4:30 am- I had two dreams, well really 3. The first one I had- I didn’t know where I was, but I was held back by someone who…May 4, 2023May 4, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“You Will Have Good and Bad Days”May 4, 2023. I woke up from another weird dream encounter. This time, Margot Frank and Felicitas Wolf Garda asked me to ride bicycles with…May 5, 2023May 5, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“If You Die- They Win”I am trying not to go back to where I was mentally — last year.May 6, 2023May 6, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“What Am I To You?”Tomas (Kulka) visited my dreams again. HE seemed happier than normal . He said he was happy to see me. HE said “Are you feeling better?” I…May 10, 2023May 10, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“Help Us, and We Help You!”I begin my docent training for the Holocaust Museum on Tuesday, which includes giving tours. My plan is to do this for my tours:May 15, 2023May 15, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“You’re Missing the Point” & “Do You Know What You Believe?”I don’t know how to describe what happened to me when I fell asleep last night- the essence of my nap dreams got me thinking of what the…May 16, 2023May 16, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“YOU DIED ANGRY!”With what I call “Spiritual Intervention”- my dreams can turn violent real fast. This one, was somewhat of that. Miriam Wattenberg, or as…May 19, 2023May 19, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“Do You Believe Hashem Sent Us?”I saw both Ester and Donia last night. I always get them confused because they look so much alike and they dress alike. I believe I saw…May 19, 2023May 19, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“You Don’t Need To Beg Others To Accept You”I slept and woke up at 2 different times. I finally went to sleep at 11:30. I felt so sleepy and thank goodness- I thought- I’d be going to…May 21, 2023May 21, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“The Kiss of Life- It’ll Help You”In the dead of night, the noise of the Golden Girls drowns out and I thought I’ll actually get some sleep tonight. But, that is not the…May 22, 2023May 22, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“You’re Going To Make So Many Good Memories, Don’t Let Your Mind Try To Ruin Those Good Memories”I took a nap at around 3:30 P.M. yesterday and of course, even when I am napping, I had a visitor.May 22, 2023May 22, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“You’re Slowly Falling To Pieces”Last Night, I went to sleep at around 11:30. I know with waking up at 8 and then napping around 3 PM, only to go back to sleep at 11:30. I…May 22, 2023May 22, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“Why Do You Take Such An Interest In Him?”May 27, 2023May 30, 2023May 30, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“You’re Hurting Yourself, Not Me- I’m Dead”I met Dawid the night before, but it seems he wanted to see me again after I had woken up after seeing him once already.Jun 6, 2023Jun 6, 2023
A Young Author's Notebook“I Know It’s Hard”Last night, I went to sleep kinda late. I was very upset, my emotions were all shattered. My mind began to go somewhere else.Jun 2, 2023Jun 2, 2023