There once was a girl who tried to sit still in class, but she couldn’t.
However, that girl held a secret: She saw dead people when she slept.
When she was 12, she saw her first dead person when she slept. That dead person was Anne Frank, but it only progressed.
In 2019, she saw more of Deanna Durbin, Gloria Jean, and Bonita Granville, than anyone else. She continued seeing what they wanted to share with her, until her mind went off the rails and then their mission was do this: To save her from herself.
It seems that in 2023, they are louder to her than anything else. Has she expressed to people that she see’s dead folks? Very few people know, or knew. Her parents don’t even know.
The hardest thing is that these dead folks either want to help or show her something. The questions surrounding Deanna Durbin’s marital affairs in the 1940’s, made Deanna want to share that with her.
She also was told by some stars that the girls that they are idolized by, are fake and not good eggs, as they put it. But, it’s harder to explain why the dead seem to “Come out at Night.” It’s because they are able to travel that way, so to speak. Some of them, have definitely saved this girl from harm, physically and mentally. But the dead people are also asking for help, but in a way, they want to make sure they way they want help is natural and a way that this girl can help. They want to make sure she’s ok first.
Does this girl talk? Yes, but she wishes that she could tell people what the dead really say about them. But she doesn’t want to get the “Are you sure that’s what they said? OR Are you sure it’s what they think?” Yes, it is, she can assure you.
This girl wants to talk, but all she can remain, is quiet. She can’t.. she can’t tell anyone. If she does, she gets weird looks. How does this happen? Why?
It’s harder to explain in life, than when you’re asleep.
People will say, “It’s just a dream.” That maybe what it is, but it’s happening a lot and it’s making it where she can’t sleep anymore. Is it her medication or is it real? She doesn’t know?
But all she knows, that she feels tired in the morning, but also the fact, that she feels like she’s made new friends.
This is how she is. No matter what, she will love them, not matter the cost.