The Research Continues…
Even though my book has been done for a little bit, there are still some information I hope to find, especially about Felicitas. Kurt and Otto, had tragic ends and there’s not much that I can find on their time after the war (I mean, they both were dead by 1945- Kurt in 1943 and Otto in 1945). But Felicitas survived. She was living in the Czech Republic before she came to the States in Nov of 1968. The real question is, what else did she do after the war? I wonder this sometimes, because her children are very much alive (still waiting on the Oldest to get back with me) and I hope they could tell me. That’s really the only thing left I needed to do, is fill those gaps in. I really need them to make her story complete. I will try to find the documents or information I need to complete this biography. This is the first time a biography has been done on the Wolf siblings. I don’t know if there will be another book like this one? Not saying mine is the best, but I have put so much work, like sending emails and letters.
The other main information I would like to find out more on, is the story of Kurt. Kurt went to school in Brno. So, of course, I emailed every Brno Archive there was, and sent in my request of any documents or information on when Kurt moved to Brno and any other information that could be found.
With this, I can piece Kurt’s story together. I know that he moved to Brno for Medical School and didn’t get to complete his MD, but I want to know if he had a job there or where he might have lived? I don’t know if he commuted from Brno to Olomouc or anything?
Things like this make the story forever going on.
I’ll let you know what I find out!