What Can We Learn? When Will People Care?
Well America, we’ve had another shooting and this time, it involved innocent children. Now, the world is shaking their heads. The Jewish community comes together with other groups of people. We know what it’s like to be gunned down for no reason at all.
These innocent children were just at school, getting ready for Summer vacation, when they were shot.
This shooting was in Texas. Texas is one of the worst states to live in. Greg Abbot is A PIECE OF SHIT and he and literal hood buger friends, like Ted Cruz are just as shitty. They don’t give a shit about anyone, but pleasing the fucking NRA. FUCK THE NRA. I am so tired of hearing about the deaths of innocent children, and then parents trying to deal with their dead kids.
I was thinking of some of the Jewish children who were dead during the Holocaust. Tomas Kulka was just one of the Jewish children who died.
He was dead at the age of 7 because he was Jewish. 7, this was the same age as some of the children that were murdered during Sandy Hook (2012) .
Tomas didn’t see the future. He didn’t see the end of WWII.
Now, we have the chance to change the world.
I’m furious and we need a change.