In the recent news of Nex Benedict being brutally killed by their classmates, I am angered. I am angered that the world would just stand by and believe lies about the LGBTQ people.
I don’t understand why- we can’t help them and love them- for who they are, not for who we want them to be.
I am a Jewish woman. I am a Holocaust Youth and Diary Historian. What does that mean? I study the lives of Jewish teens and children, and diaries.
As I wrote back in August of Last Year — I wrote about how Jewish teens and children who died during the Holocaust didn’t die, so that hatred could get worse.
Well, it looks like this BEARS REPEATING.
In the last few days, a Non-Binary teen named Nex Benedict was murdered by their classmates.
What? Reminded me of when Matthew Shepard was killed for being gay..
This- to me, hurt me more than anything. 16 years old and dead.
What are we gonna do about it? The Oklamhoma Gov. won’t do shit and they’ll just say, “It’s a tragedy”- WHEN THEY WERE THE ONES WHO PUT THOSE ANTI-LGBTQ Laws into place, they’re responsible. I’d sue if I were the parents of that kid.
Now I was asked by my Alma Mater- to speak on the behalf of the Jewish teens and children who didn’t make it out alive.
Of course, I said yes.
Little did I know, I was going to be addressing a room filled of White, old, evangelical men- who were anti-everything.
Oh god.. here we go.. Petr’s fight mode was on and I knew mine was too.
The thing was I wasn’t scared- more like, I’m ready to fight. I had my “armor” on and I was ready.
The thing was that these men were NOT prepared for what I threw at them (verbally, I didn’t exactly throw anything physically at them!)
But, also at the Holocaust Museum (where I am the Youth and Diary Historian there), I had to address “deniers” and believe me, they were also not prepared for the things I threw at them.
The thing that hurts me more than anything, is that the men I have addressed, all hate everyone that isn’t : Christian, White, Male or Straight..
Well, here was their suprise: EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT!!
I am so sick and tired of our LGBTQ friends being targets!! It’s really upsetting and frustrating to me and it really makes me sad.
It’s really such a goddamn shame that Evangelicals and “Christians” use their religion against others, because apparently, it says “Being Gay is a SIN!” — As a Jew, let me break it down for you!
In 1946- the word Homosexual was used in the Bible, but before then, it wasn’t even used..
So..why are the LGBTQ people being attacked so badly now?
Maybe they’ve always been attacked, and it wasn’t so “loud”.
But now, it seems like so many of our LGBTQ Youth are being attacked viciously and the government just says “Sure! We’ll continue to take people’s rights and things!”
I’m angry. I’m angry at our government, at politicans, at the country who let this happen.
Why? Why do we let “Christians” think that they “run the world?” They think they do and let me burst your bubble: YOU DON’T.
NO. This country does not need to “GO BACK TO JESUS!” There are so many religions and beliefs, NOT JUST YOUR OWN- NOT JUST CHRISTIANITY.
Also, as a Jew, let me give you some history…
Christians have murdered so many people in the name of “Jesus” — it’s disgusting!
I’m not sure if you all know this, but Jesus was Jewish to begin with? Yeah, thought I’d remind you of that!
I also hate that these “Christians” like to say that LGBTQ people are “New”.
No. Have you heard of Manfred Lewin and Gad Beck?
Have you heard of Ruth Maier?
First, let me tell you about the beautiful, but tragic love story between Manfred Lewin (1922–1943) and Gad Beck (1923–2012)
They both met in 1940, and they fell for each other. They were lovers, and they wanted a life together.
When Manfred was being deported, Gad did everything he could to save his lover, but Manfred wanted to be with his family and thus, being murdered at Auschwitz. Gad, I don’t think ever got over this -because just like straight people, GAY people LOVE TOO. THEY FEEL LOSS TOO.
He loved Manfred, and he wanted a life with him. But, he didn’t get to.
He never forgot him. He died, knowing that his lover was killed.
But, no, please continue your hatefulness.